Asbestos Audits

This Site Audit service is designed to provide confidence and assurance in Consultant or Contractor performance; keeping standards high and in doing so supporting quality management systems and business continuity.

The audits will cover all aspects of serviced work; from planning through delivery to execution. The audit is designed to highlight and reduce potential issues which may result in poor quality workmanship and/or an uncontrolled exposure incident or enforcement by the appropriate statutory bodies such as HSE or Local Authority.

The information gathered during the site audit will be presented in an electronic report format and will detail any issues which require attention and where improvements can be made.


The only way to be sure you’re performing to industry best standards is to be assessed against industry best standards. Squared Circle are widely acknowledged within the industry for assessing key legal requirements, as well as promoting good practices.

As part of its wide range of Asbestos Services, we offer other Asbestos Consultancies and Licensed Asbestos Removal Contractors (LARCs) site audits upon request.

Our team of trained auditors are available to carry out these audits nationwide; whether it be for Asbestos Surveyors or Licensed Asbestos Removal Contractors. All audits will be delivered in line with industry best practice.

As an additional service to clients we can also desktop review audit Asbestos Survey Reports against HSE guidance document HSG264 Asbestos; The Survey Guide should the need arise.